Monday, October 20, 2014

My Weekend

This is a post about my past weekend, as well as a blogging challenge. Customarily, here are a few pictures:

My little sis Megan...

 The gent in this picture is my grandfather, and is the reason for this weekend excursion, for on Thursday he turned 80! We were blessed to spend the weekend with not only him and grandma, but also with my aunt and uncle from Indiana, my aunt from France, and my cousin from France who is currently living in Spokane. It was a very special time, and good to see them all again!

A different little sis Grace...
 This was just later the same day. It was beautiful the entire time, probably one of the best weather conditions at the beach that I've been at, personal opinion.
Okay, now I'm sure you're all dying to know what this new challenge is. This challenge was issued to me and my brother Ben at White Knuckles Holding Fast. Essentially, we are to tag team writing a fairy-tale story. But don't worry, we plan to make it memorable. Stay tuned to figure out how distorted Ben and I can make a simple story...or, stories.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


I was hoping to have this a little more polished/expanded, but alas, I need a post. INPUT is appreciated!!!

The mighty host of heaven watched,
As God declared the world to be,
And breathed in man the breath of life,
Then man did sin, the fruit of the tree.

And so they saw throughout the years,
As God did work on earth a plan,
And fashioned history to make
Redemption for the fallen man.

They heard Him speak through many men
Who told a strange, prophetic cry
Of God to come and make man right,
And He man's sinful soul to buy.
And then a hush was spread,
the host did wonder now,
 for God had gone to earth,
but not for knees to bow.

They sang a song of praise,
for HE was born that night,
but wondered what He did,
for it did not seem right.

They watched the Devil tempt,
the Lord as He was weak,
and wondered why the King,
did turn the other cheek.

Then awestruck did they see
Him beaten, shamed with scorn,
and mocked, for on His brow,
a crown of thorns was worn.

And still they wondered why,
their God allowed this shame,
for Him to dwell with men,
who'd curse His holy name.

(being worked on)

I Peter 1:12 - "To [the prophets] it was revealed that, not to themselves, but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven -- things which angels desire to look into." (emphasis mine).

Notes - I do understand that there is a change in meter/rhyme in the fourth stanza. This is purposeful, and unless it goes against all poetic licensing, I'd like to keep it that way. Basically, I'd like the poem to be in three parts - the Beginning (st. 1-3), the Redemption (4-x), and Conclusion (x-end). I will be posting it again in a "more final" draft (probably in the next "two weeks"...), but I thought I should show ya'll what I've worked on recently.