Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pizza Night!

Though I don't do it often, I sometimes enjoy baking/cooking in the kitchen. I figure that if I can make such things as pizza, Top Ramen, oatmeal, and cookies, I'll be set for life. This evening, I tried my hand at pizza (the first time in almost a year), with Madsie as a helper. We used a recipe that's been in my family ever since it began...25 years ago!
The first step was to put 2 tablespoons of yeast into 3/2 cups of warm water, and let it rise.
Next step, we mixed in 2 dashes of salt, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, and 4 cups of flour. If you can't tell, we were doubling the recipe...and we had to repeat the above steps, for a total of making 4 times the recipe (you kinda have to make a lot to feed twelve people).
Next, we (actually, I) rolled out the dough. However, we didn't roll out all the dough right away, but I'll explain that later. Madsie then did the honor of spreading the sauce, cheese and pepperoni on two of the four pizzas.
We left some crust off the edge of the pan, and folded it over
after the goodies were spread. This created a nice, thick crust
with cheese in the middle of it
Thus went the first two of four pizzas. The other two were destined for the grill. A while back, we were introduced to the concept of grilled pizza, which quickly became a favourite. As I am more of a traditionalist (and enjoy a thick crust, baked, pepperoni pizza), I took charge of baking the pizzas, whilst SarahJayne and Mom took charge of the grill.
Working the first crust off the grill
Grilled pizza definitely cooks faster. You roll out the dough, grill one side, bring it back in to dress it up (on the side that was just grilled), then bring it back out to grill the raw side and melt the goodies together.
Displaying the effects of the first grilling
I did get a before...
The first two are grilled pizzas, and the further
 ones are baked.
...and after dinner picture.
Same as above caption...leastwise, the leftovers.

Needless to say, Madsie and I were quite satisfied with our success...we hope the rest of the family was as well!


  1. That was scrumptious pizza! Great pics. :)

  2. Yum! Those pizzas look scrumptious!
    I tried for the first time to make a grilled pizza a few weeks ago, but they kinda got torn up being put on and taken off the grill. :(
    They tasted good, but neither were exactly a masterpiece...
    Well, I guess I'm a traditionalist too, 'cause I think that thick baked crusts are the best! :)
    Tell Madsie I really like her apron! Did she make it?

    1. Actually, the apron was a gift from Mom that she received this last Christmas...and oven-baked pizza doesn't usually get torn being taken off. Another plus!

    2. Yes, exactly! Baked pizzas are better in {almost} every way!

  3. Josh, your pizzas look so incredibly delicious (and all the people who are waiting to eat them appear to be smiling hugely in anticipation) that we have decided to give your recipe a try!
    Now, do you really dissolve the yeast in 3/2 c water? Do homeschoolers use some mysterious foreign measurements that I am unaware of? Or should that read, "2/3 c water"?
    Lastly, I think that to be truly "set for life", men are supposed to know how to cook mac-n-cheese from a box with hot dogs added? I have been told that this is a prerequisite? Maybe times have changed.
    Change is good!

    1. Yes, it is "3/2." I could have written "1 1/2," but I tried to be...different :). Make sure it's warm water.
      I'm profficient...er, capable at mac-n-cheese and hot dogs...I get confused that they don't have preserved water in the box (along with the cheese and noodles), and that they expect me to procure it myself... :)
