Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tag! Some of you are It!

On Monday the first, I was nominated by SarahJayne at Lass of the Lord for a blogger questionnaire-thingy. Therefore, and hence, this post. It's a bit of a longer one, so bear with me.

First, the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog. Thank you SarahJayne (link above)!
2. Answer his/her 11 questions.
3. Add to these 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Come up with your own 11 questions.
5. Tag (up to) 11 other blogs (with under 200 followers) to answer your queries and follow the previous 4 steps.

The questions are as follows, and answered respectively:
1. If you had tomorrow cleared of any previous commitments, what would you do with it? Read and/or play frisbee/soccer/sports in general.

2. What is your favorite book? :) Yah, good one. I think I'd have to echo your sentiments here, SarahJayne. There isn't just "one" favorite, as I like different books for the different themes portrayed in each. Here are a couple that I do like: I Serve, The Three Edwards, and Hebrews, in no specific order.

3. What is the coolest place you've ever visited? Without a doubt, that'd be Corbridge Roman Site. 

4. Who is your favorite author? I've not read many authors widely. I would say that C S Lewis and R M Ballantyne are in the Tops, though.

5. If you could learn another instrument, what wo
uld it be? Possibly, it would be piano or classical guitar.

6. What is your favorite sport? {and you don't have to be good at it... :p} My favorite sport is soccer. I played that good game for many years. I tally it at six, and spanning from Recreational soccer to Select, and from outdoor to indoor. 

7. Favorite soundtrack? I'm not one of those musical people who enjoys listening to soundtracks very much. However, some of my favorites do include "Master and Commander" and "How to Train Your Dragon".

8. Best movie adaptation of a book? I believe one of my favorite movie adaptions is the 2005 "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." The next two movies in the series gradually strayed from the book (some of those "good-as-movies/not-so-good-as-book-adaption" cases), but this one, in my opinion, is very good.

9. Favorite chore? I'm sure this is a misprint...once I've begun a chore, I don't usually mind it. The biggest detriment is just simply starting.

10. Most thought-provoking concept you've come across in the last week? Concept of agape-love. Basically, this is the love that you show toward your enemies. Consequently, it's the same love that God showed toward us. We are to be willing to die, or to live in "persecution" for, those who seek us harm. This is also the basis, really, of Christianity, summed up in two laws by Jesus Himself (see Mark 12:30-31 and I Corinthians 13).

11. Favorite type of tea? Despite being surrounded by tea addicts, both inside and outside my family, I've not found the same enjoyment in that beverage. Not to say I don't mind tea, I just don't have the same sense of appreciation for it. However, I did once receive a lose leaf tea that had cinnamon, cocoa, and other homey spices in it, and that was rather good. But I forget the name of it.

Now, for the 11 facts about myself...which seems kinda vain, but oh well.

1. I will begin my junior year of high school with taking classes at Clark Community College.
2. I've been playing the bagpipes for a little over a year now.
3. I've been involved in 4-H sheep raising since 2008...sadly, however, it's not been that entirely successful.
4. I've traveled the Chunnel (which is a train that goes beneath the English Channel, from France to, well, England). 
5. I've held a "conversation" with an elderly lady in French...but in Dublin, not France.
6. Part of #2 has involved me playing the bagpipes in a CEO's 9th story office in downtown Vancouver during business hours.
7. I'm currently reading a book that claims that the Chinese discovered America between 1421-1423. Quite fascinating.
8. I love the smell of old books. You'll know what I mean if you do too.
9. I enjoy the making and eating of pizza.
10. When it comes to sports, I'm all in. Golf is not considered in this grouping, as I'd agree with Mark Twain when he said "Golf is a good walk spoiled." 
11. I want to write a book. Problem is, I don't know what about, or how. But the desire is there, nonetheless.

Here are those whom I will nominate to continue the fun. Just look at the beginning of the post for the rules to follow:

Benjamin at White Knuckles.
Jonathon at Haiku Gardener.
Nathan at Adventures in Imagination.
Rachel at Windows through my Life.

And here are my questions to be answered:
1. What is your favorite board game?
2. A favorite quote of yours (humorous or thought provoking)?
3. A book/series that disappointed you?
4. Furthest place you've traveled from home, and why?
5. Your favorite non-board-game activity (sports, reading, card games, eating, etc...)?
6. A favorite character from a book/movie, and why?
7. If you could have any car, which one would it be?
8. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
9. How many states have you been in (driving through, staying at, but not flying over)?
10. What is your favorite type of pizza?
11. What's the story behind your favorite (or most infamous) nickname?

Until next time!


  1. Uh Josh... my blog has kinda been dormant for the last three years; shall I just post my response in a comment to this post and let the sleeping dog lie? :P

  2. No, Jonathon! This is a time of revival and new life! You must post!
